The Chaos During The Banquet (4)

Luo Anning barked angrily, "You're shameless!"

"You're shameless!"

Luo Anning and Rong Yan were shocked to hear another voice saying the same thing. They turned around to look in the direction of the voice.

In a corner of the balcony, a couple was huddled up together and the man seemed to be trying to force a kiss onto the lady who was trying her best to struggle and resist.

Luo Anning only realized after a long while that the female voice seemed to belong to Lu Momo. She got a great shock when she saw who the couple was. It was none other than Tang Chao and Lu Momo.

Rong Yan had also noticed the two of them. He raised his brows and wondered, why have these two gotten together?

If I remember correctly, that woman who looks underaged, is Luo Anning's friend, isn't she?

"Young Master Rong, why are the two of them together?" Luo Anning asked, poking the man beside her.