Beach Vacation

"Care to have a few drinks?" Rong Yan fiddled with the glass of alcohol in his hand, but did not drink it.

Mo Qiange grabbed the glass of wine on the table and said, "No problem, of course."

They clinked glasses and Rong Yan smirked while Mo Qiange put on a faint smile. The two of them seemed to be challenging each other.

After finishing the glass of wine, Rong Yan fiddled with the glass again and glanced at Luo Anning who was drinking to her heart's content. He then slowly said, "CEO Mo, you shouldn't covet something that doesn't belong to you. It's better to put those thoughts away."

Mo Qiange snickered and asked, "How do I do that?"

Rong Yan retorted coldly, "CEO Mo, do you mean you're intending to woo Anning?"