Surely You Couldn't Have Fallen For Me? (1)

What a joke. Even the blind could tell that Rong Yan was incredibly infuriated right now and the thing a smart person would do is run!

The two men were incredibly infuriated to have been beaten up by Rong Yan. They ganged up with each other and decided to take revenge on Rong Yan. Rong Yan stared at them condescendingly from above, like a god looking down at his followers.

"How dare you harbor designs on my woman? Are you sick of living?"

"I don't care who you are. You can forget about leaving if you don't kowtow to me and apologize!" the man hollered.

Rong Yan sneered and bent forward to pull them up onto the boulder. Before they could even rejoice for long, they heard the sounds of their wrist cracking and at the next moment, they began shrieking in terror.