Don't Test My Patience! (7)

In the beach resort in C City.

Lu Momo and Mo Qiange left after Luo Anning did. What was supposed to be a joyous vacation, ended on a gloomy note.

Tang Chao and Feng Churui stayed behind to accompany Rong Yan, only because Rong Yan was as feisty and angsty as a fire dragon and they decided to spare a thought for the bodyguards.

They reckoned that they would be able to reduce the damage inflicted on the innocent if Rong Yan loses his temper.

"Yan, why did you fall out with Luo Anning out of nowhere? Aren't we here on this vacation to help her unwind and relax? Why did you provoke her and cause her to leave angrily?"

Tang Chao sipped on his alcohol while gloating and staring at Rong Yan who had a sullen expression on his face.

How did he know that the joyous vacation would end with such a harsh conflict?