You're In Charge Of Earning Money, I'm In Charge of Being A Wastrel (2)

She opened the door of the bathroom and grabbed her ringing mobile phone and slammed the door shut.

She leaned against the door and tightened her grip on her mobile phone while her hands shook a little.

Rong Yan's face had already turned sullen and he was incredibly upset at the instant that the door was closed in front of him.

Was it anger or bitterness?

Not only was there Mo Qiange. There's even a Du Xiaoran now. How many men must she get herself involved with!?!

After ending the call, Luo Anning stayed in the bathroom for a while to get a grip on her emotions

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Rong Yan standing outside the door with a sullen expression on his face. Luo Anning got a great shock after seeing how angry he was!

Why is he still here?