Nothing Much, Just Gonna Make You Go To Hell! (5)

Rong Yan's face grew petulant after hearing her coax him like he was a child. He gritted his teeth and threatened, "You'd better finish what you have to do as soon as possible then. Otherwise… hah!"

Rong Yan did not explicitly state what he would do to her and simply kept her in suspense in a threatening manner.

Luo Anning guffawed in amusement and Rong Yan, who had been frustrated because he missed her too much, suddenly felt much calmer.

The two of them did not say anything while she continued laughing for a long time. Rong Yan listened to her laughter quietly and when she finally recovered, he said, "Anning, Grandpa and mother have been nagging about you. Get ready to face the music when you're back. Don't blame me for not helping you."

At the end of the day, doesn't he just want me to go back?

How pretentious. If he misses me he can just say so. I'm not going to laugh at him anyway.