Nothing Much, Just Gonna Make You Go To Hell! (11)

On the following day, Luo Anning skipped work for the first time.

Reason being, the hungry and randy Rong Yan got intimate with her over and over again in the morning. By the time he was satiated, she felt like her back was about to break!

When Luo Anning laid on the bed angrily and ate the shiitake minced pork porridge that Rong Yan was feeding to her, the latter smiled smugly in an annoying manner, so much that Luo Anning wished she could punch him.

He was clearly the one who put in effort and did the work. Yet, he did not seem to be in the least bit tired at all. Instead, she was the one who seemed to have had all her energy depleted.

How unfair!

"Focus on eating. Would you feel full from staring at me?" Rong Yan asked while grabbing her chin and licking the rice grains away from the corner of her lips.