Nothing Much, Just Gonna Make You Go To Hell! (25)

Luo Anning looked up and stared at Rong Yan in astonishment. "What are you doing here!?!"

Rong Yan smiled and said, "Didn't I say that I would be coming to pick you up after you were done? Why are you so shocked to see me?"

"No… it's alright." Luo Anning touched the tip of her nose and began to look a little shy. It seems I can't go to Kristen's place anymore, she thought.

When Rong Yan is around, she would have to forget about getting in touch with other men because she knew how possessive he could be.

Rong Yan patted her head and said, "Go upstairs and pack up then. We're going home."

"Why are we in such a hurry?" Luo Anning touched the spot that he had smacked and thought to herself, can't he be gentler?

Rong Yan wondered with raised eyebrows, since she hates England, shouldn't she be eager to leave as soon as possible?

"You want to stay behind in England for a vacation?"