Can We Not Argue With Each Other? (1)

Rong Yan leaned his slender body against the wall and lifted his head back, and blew out some white fumes of smoke from his coral red lips, which gradually dissipated into the air.

After finishing countless cigarettes, he finally stopped when Auntie Li came downstairs. He snubbed the cigarette butt with his foot and glanced at Auntie Li inquisitively.

Holding the tray, Auntie Li shook her head and explained, "I managed to convince Young Madam to eat a few mouthfuls but she told me to take the rest away."

Rong Yan nodded and went upstairs while Auntie Li stared at his receding figure and shook her head resignedly.

One of them was all cooped up in the bedroom in agony while the other was feeling upset downstairs.

Sigh, what has happened to the two of them?

At five in the morning, Luo Anning felt extremely thirsty and hence, woke up to go downstairs for some water.