Who Is It That's Still Unclear!?! (3)

Luo Anning leaned against the wall and burst into laughter. "Yeah, there's no point in giving each other the silent treatment but may I ask, how am i supposed to fight for you when your old flame is so invincible!?! Please tell me."

She was not afraid of Mo Xiyan's provocations. What she feared was that she might not be able to intervene since the two of them shared too many memories together.

In fact, she sometimes felt that she was the detestable home wrecker instead, and that Mo Xiyan was the rightful girlfriend… or wife.

Rong Yan's face was somber and he glanced at Luo Anning who stubbornly held his gaze with anger radiating from her eyes.

Rong Yan pinched her chin and moved his face closer to hers. "What do you want me to do then? Tell me. Is it impossible to be ordinary friends after breaking up? If this happened to you and Du Xiaoran instead, would you choose to ignore him because of me, eh?"