Who Is It That's Still Unclear!?! (5)

"Why, why did you come in!?!" Luo Anning swiftly turned around and wiped her face.

Rong Yan stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders to make her face him forcefully. He squinted and stared at her while pressing his lips together to show his anger.

Luo Anning tried to move and break away from his restraint but he pressed her against him tightly while pushing the back of her head to his chest.

Rong Yang caressed her tender and soft hair. "Anning, why did you cry?"

Why is he always the one who gives in in the end?

Her tears and her attempts to hide were just like daggers to his heart.

His heart ached.

Luo Anning sniffled and remained silent while her body froze in his embrace.

Rong Yan hollered, "Speak!"

Damn it!

God knows how lethal Luo Anning's tears were to him!

His heart was broken and he began to feel overwhelmed with fear and worry.

"Rong Yan." Luo Anning called gently.