Miss Mo, I Said I'd Take Care Of You (3)

Dawn Hospital.

Luo Anning walked towards the ward with breakfast and as soon as she entered, she was greeted with the sight of the doctor and nurses giving Mo Xiyan a physical examination.

Seeing that she had entered, the doctor and nurses greeted her politely. Mo Xiyan's eyes were filled with shock when she saw her.

After the shock faded, she was overwhelmed with open disgust.

Mo Xiyan obviously did not expect Luo Anning to really take care of her and simply thought that the latter was making a casual remark.

After the checkup, the doctor put away his medical equipment and said, "Miss Mo, your wounds are healing well. You just have to rest and recuperate. I believe you'll fully recover soon."

After the doctor left, Luo Anning placed the thermal lunch box on the bedside cabinet and said, "I brought you breakfast. Have it while it's still hot. It's light and bland food that's suitable for patients."