Would You Believe Me If I Said That It Wasn't Like What You Thought? (8)

His handsome face was terrifyingly gloomy and he scanned her features, trying to verify something. After a moment, he said to the servants, "Go down."

"Yes, Young Master Rong." The servants stood up respectfully and left, closing the door after themselves.

Before Luo Anning could stop looking so flustered, Rong Yan was already approaching her. She subconsciously took a few steps back and clenched her fists, after which he pulled her into his embrace.

Luo Anning struggled and yelled, "What are you doing? Let go of me!"

"Why did you skip dinner?" he asked, pressing his arm against her waist.

"I didn't have an appetite."

Rong Yan looked at her and said, "I bought you your favorite soup dumplings and pan-fried dumplings. Would you like to have some?"

"I said, I don't have an appetite," Luo Anning clipped while nudging him in frustration.