All of You Have Been Duped by Her! (7)

Xu Zhiyuan arranged for the bodyguards to tidy up the apartment before proceeding to follow Rong Yan and Mo Xiyan to a large supermarket near the apartment.

Rong Yan never visited the supermarket again ever since he broke up with Mo Xiyan, let alone go grocery shopping.

When he appeared in the supermarket, he immediately caught the attention of everyone because of his handsome face and tall figure. Mo Xiyan leaned against him meekly. If it weren't for the bodyguards, the restless crowd would have rushed forth to surround them.

Rong Yan frowned in displeasure because he never liked crowds or being surrounded by others. Now, he just wanted to hurry up and leave after getting some groceries.

He could not stand staying for another second longer.

Mo Xiyan did not think the same. Instead, she liked hearing others gossip about her and Rong Yan because the girls and middle-aged women were all remarking about how compatible she was with Rong Yan.