Is It Safe Now?

Rong Yan thought about it and nodded slightly after a while.

Luo Anning took a deep breath and asked, "Why?"

Why did he not listen to my explanation? Why did he choose not to believe me? Why did he spend the entire night taking care of Mo Xiyan again? Why did he stay in her apartment all night!?!

"Why what?" Rong Yan asked, rubbing his temples while leaning against the door frame.

"Yan, who's here? Why are you standing at the door?" Mo Xiyan asked.

Luo Anning clenched her fists and glowered at him. "Rong Yan, if this is your choice, I'll fulfill your wishes!"

She then turned around to leave.

Just as Rong Yan was about to chase after her, Mo Xiyan suddenly fainted again. He froze and clenched his fists tightly before loosening them.

Forget it, what's the point of chasing after her?

Maybe, we are just too intimate with each other, so much that a mere tiff will lead to a huge argument and a cold war.