Vivid Memories (3)

Would she divorce him or would Old Mr. Rong want her to divorce him? There was no point in saying it.

If he thought so, so be it.

She remained silent and in his eyes, it was tacit agreement. He tightened his grip on her chin and said, "Luo Anning, who gave you the right to divorce me? Do you think you can get married whenever you want!?!"

"What else do you want? I've already told you that I can't give birth and I can't conceive for the rest of my life! What else do you want? What do you want me to do to make you happy? Tell me, I'll do it! Is that alright!?!"

Her emotions surged quickly, and all her grievances and resentment erupted at this moment.

Her face turned red and she stared at him with her bright eyes. She was so stubborn that it made his heart ache.

At that moment, Rong Yan's heart skipped a beat and he felt as if there was an invisible thread wrapping around his heart tightly.