Sorry, Young Master Rong!

The bodyguards said softly, "Young Master Rong, Miss Luo, I'm sorry!"

They then walked forwards, herding them towards Old Mr. Rong.

Luo Anning remained composed while the bodyguards continued to hold her back. Rong Yan struggled but to no avail!

Staring at his grandson who had repeatedly defied him, Old Mr. Rong humphed and placed his hands behind his back. "Get them to sign their names!"

His words showed his determination to divorce them.

Rong Yan barked, "Damn it! Whoever the hell dares to force me, I'll cripple you!"

"I've offended Young Master Rong!" the man in black said again.

Just as Rong Yan's clenched fists were pried open and a pen was shoved inside, he heard an elegant voice from outside.

"Wait a minute."

Feng Churui entered, dressed in a politician's black suit. His white shirt and black suit made him look even more handsome and elegant.

He was truly the spitting image of a refined gentleman.