Consider It Carefully, I Don't Want To Listen To Perfunctory Words

Luo Anning said, "I really want to investigate this issue and distract myself so that I can calm down."

Rong Yan immediately knew why she needed a distraction. Even he was extremely worried about it, let alone her.

After a long silence, he said, "I promise to let you go, but you must protect yourself first!"

"I know." Actually, she was only in charge of investigating Luo Zhiquan. How could she, a civilian, be the main investigator?

"Anning, I'm glad you're willing to talk to me," he said in a hoarse voice.

He planted a tender and warm kiss on her neck, which felt electrifying.

Luo Anning's heart skipped a beat and she teared up. She asked, "Rong Yan, why don't you want to divorce me?"

"Foolish question!"

Rong Yan murmured, "No means no. Why would I do that?"

"There must be a reason, right?"

"Make your own guess!"

"I can't guess. Tell me."

"I told you to guess!"