Professional At Making Certificates, Free If It Fails (2)

Rong Yan jumped over the dirty ground and covered his nose with a handkerchief. "What are you up to?"

Tang Chao rubbed his chin and pouted at the advertisement on the cable. "Forged degrees, diplomas, identity cards, real estate certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates… free if it fails! Contact number 189XXXX1362. See, see!"

Feng Churui had a look of disdain on his face. Isn't it just a fake marriage certificate?

Did he have to come all the way here to look for this number?

Rong Yan was overwhelmed with excitement. Why didn't I think of that!?!

If the Civil Affairs Bureau had a fake record and a fake divorce certificate, wouldn't the divorce be easily settled?

"This is great, you're really something!" Rong Yan punched Tang Chao's chest and smirked sinisterly.

Tang Chao humphed smugly and said, "Of course. Do you not know who I am."