Chapter 546 Young Master Tang’s engagement ceremony

“If I don’t love you, then any woman can have sex with me. That’s not called ‘Ai’, but ‘venting my ancient debt’. “I only want to have sex with you, but I can only accept having sex with you. It’s not mysophobia, but a psychological effect. “Because of love, I want to be one with you and become one with you. “In that case, do you understand?”

Luo Anning buried her head in his arms, embarrassed and shy. She nodded. She had said it so straightforwardly. She would be a fool if she didn’t understand.

However, when did he say these sweet words?

Although it seemed to be an explanation, wasn’t that sentence implying a confession?

“Who taught you these words?”Her index finger poked his chest, and her muffled voice came from his chest.

Young Master Rong coughed and hugged her, his ears slightly red. “Who taught you what? I told you when I thought of it. I didn’t want your little brain to let your imagination run wild again.”
