Chapter 627 the Little Devil’s long teeth [38]

Luo Anning lowered her head and introduced to the little guy. The young commander gave Ma Ma special face, letting her smile as she pleased. Her rosy lips parted, revealing her two adorable front teeth. Her clear laughter immediately escaped.

The word ‘uncle’that Christine said was like an invisible slap on grandfather Rong’s face.

Did he think of himself as Luo Anning’s older brother and not young master Rong’s younger brother?

This realization made elder Rong angry and cold. His turbid eyes looked at Rong Yu with an indescribable light, and he could not take it back for a long time.

As if he did not feel that burning gaze, Christine reached out and took the little guy away from Luo Anning’s arms. She lowered her head and pressed the tip of her nose against the tip of his little nose. She gently rubbed it a few times. “Seeing your uncle so happy, huh?”

“Yiya Yiya... Giggle...”