Chapter 635 the Little Devil’s long tooth [46]

He was her immediate superior, and also the target of her lifetime mission to protect. He was also a teacher and a friend.

However, these were not what she wanted, and what she really wanted, she never dared to say it out loud.

Even if she said it, it would not change anything.

It was better not to say it.

At first, she was jealous of Luo Anning. A woman who suddenly broke into their world, what right did she have to take away all his attention.

What right did she have to be taken care of by him, or even help for free.

She even had the selfish fantasy that tranquility was not as innocent as she appeared to be, that she might be a spy sent by a certain country to assassinate Christine.

Reality is often cruel, it will give you the most fatal blow when you most expect it.

It will shatter all your beliefs and expectations, never to be pieced together again.