Chapter 654 Little Devil’s long tooth [65]

The Butler looked at her worriedly, “Miss Catherine, you must have heard of the saying that a doctor does not cure himself. Since you know your own health condition, why did you come all the way back here to torment yourself?”

Catherine shook her head absent-mindedly, “It’s nothing, I just miss this place.”

After chatting for a while, the Butler was worried that she would be tired, so he urged her to go upstairs to rest.

Catherine did not decline and let the Butler help her upstairs to rest.


One week later.

The wounds on her body had basically healed. Only her broken right hand and leg had not healed. The injury had taken a hundred days to heal. This sentence was right.

Without three months of rest, it was really difficult for her hand and leg to recover freely.

Who Was Catherine? She was extremely capable of enduring pain. In just a week, she could no longer sit still.