Chapter 683 Little Devil’s long tooth [94]

“Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is turned off. Please try again later. Sorry...”a mechanical female voice came from the phone. Christine threw the phone out in anger.

With a ‘Pa’sound, the phone instantly broke into pieces.

How many calls was this already tonight?

Ten? Twenty? or fifty?

Christine could not remember clearly. The only thing she knew was that Catherine did not pick up his calls. In the end, she simply turned off her phone!

A feeling of losing control of Catherine made Christine’s heart burn with inexplicable anger.

Franck took a shower and came out in a specially prepared gauze nightgown. Three o’clock was faintly discernible, exuding a silent seduction.

“Young master, it’s getting late. You’d better rest first.”She didn’t know why he was so angry when Catherine didn’t come back. He was the one who told Catherine not to come back and disturb the two of them, wasn’t he?

But why was he so angry now?