Chapter 694 something was wrong with her!

Kristen was slightly startled. Her eyes were cold as she dodged to the back. Mida used all his strength to pounce forward. With the determination to die, his explosive power was extremely strong.

The assassination at close range did not give Kristen much room to dodge. Although she dodged in time, she still could not avoid the fate of being stabbed.

Barely avoiding the heart, the Swiss army knife stabbed into his lower abdomen.

The moment he was stabbed, he raised his leg and kicked midda away, mercilessly firing a few more shots.

It was not until his tall body crashed heavily to the ground and his eyes widened in death that Kristen staggered a few steps back.

He lowered his head and looked at the hilt of the knife that was exposed outside his lower abdomen. His brows were tightly knitted --

With a “Hiss”, he tore off the shirt strip and tightly tied his lower abdomen to prevent blood from flowing out. After a simple bandage, he kicked midda away and walked toward the dungeon.