Chapter 721. A fallen leaf returns to its roots

After staying in Rong residence for two days, Catherine came to a conclusion.

“What did you say? !”In the study room, Christine looked at the woman standing in front of her, and the corners of her lips curled up. If he had not seen wrongly, what she said was that she would not go with him?

Catherine nodded, and there was not much expression on her cold face.

Christine stood up abruptly. The chair was lifted up by his excessive strength and fell to the side. His eyes were fixed on her as she walked towards him. Catherine frowned imperceptibly and subconsciously retreated.

“Stop right there!”With a low shout, Christine walked in front of her in quick steps. She grabbed her chin with one hand and narrowed her long and narrow eyes dangerously, a cold light flashed in her eyes. “You’re not coming with me? Then, where do you want to go?”

When she betrayed the United States, she did not even think about it. She did not even think about betraying him together with him!