Chapter 734 I am proud of my handsome

Luo Anning. She glared at Young Master Rong and picked up her baby son. She looked at his handsome face and said with a smile, “Who said that our handsome is embarrassed? You have no taste. Our handsome is so handsome, isn’t he? Isn’t he?”

Little handsome hugged mummy’s neck and stepped on her leg. He looked at Young Master Rong and said in a clear voice, “Yes! Handsome...”

Luo Anning’s obvious favoritism made Young Master Rong unhappy. He said, “Just let him be. You’ll spoil him sooner or later.”

Luo Anning raised her chin, she said proudly, “I only have one son. If I don’t spoil him, who will? “Besides, I have confidence in my son. He will definitely be taught well. He won’t be like those good-for-nothing sons who only know how to eat, Drink, Gamble, play with women and do nothing. “Moreover, the genes are right there. It’s impossible not to be proud!”

“Look at how smart she is and how Smart Young Master Rong is. How bad can their son be?”?