Chapter 750 if you had understood [12] at that time

However, from the looks of it, she seemed to have suffered quite a serious injury. If she were to ignore it, it would be difficult to preserve any hidden health problems.

When Madam Lu heard this, she quickly nodded. After holding Cui Yuqian’s hand in gratitude, she turned around and called the doctor to come over.

After returning to the bedroom, Lu Mo lay on the bed quietly. On the bed, Cui Yuqian pulled up the blanket and covered her up. There was still a lingering worry between his brows. “Close your eyes and sleep for a while. The doctor will be here soon.”

Lu Mo smiled weakly. “Yuqian, thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I thought we were already friends. What do you think?”

“Of course!”

After the doctor arrived, he gave Lu Mo a checkup and found out that it was a stomach cramp caused by the collision. He prescribed some painkillers and after Lu Mo Mo ate them, his condition was much better.