Chapter 780 if you understood [42] at that time

After a long while, he said in a low voice, “I know.”

The atmosphere of a gathering became extremely strange because of Lu Mo’s departure.

This was the first time Luo Anning had been rude. Halfway through the meal, she put down her chopsticks and stood up to leave.

The smile on Mo Qiange’s lips was a little bitter, but also a little helpless. “It seems that I’ve angered both Mo Mo and Anning. What should I do?”

“Lu Mo Mo and Ah Chao will take care of her. As for an Ning, she’s not a person with sharp horns. I’ll enlighten her.”

The party ended, and everyone left after saying goodbye.

Feng Churui drank some wine, and his body emitted the smell of wine. His suit jacket was wrapped around his arm, and his steps were steady and elegant.

Wu Yuqing looked at him from behind, her eyes filled with mixed emotions.