Chapter 863 the mouth is trying to be brave, but the heart is surrendering [25]

As she said this, Xiao Li took out the medical kit and helped her apply some anti-inflammatory medicine on her feet, which had been knocked until her toes and fingernails were black.

“Xiao Li, it hurts...”Lu Mo hugged the pillow and gritted his teeth. He could not bear to look at his injured toes.

“Pain is a must. Otherwise, how can I learn a lesson?”After putting away the medical kit, Xiao Li stood up and went out. Before closing the door, she said, “Miss, you shouldn’t think about going down. Mr. and Mrs. Lu are not free now.”

Lu Mo hugged his injured leg and muttered, “I want to go down, but I have to be able to move freely.”

Not long after Xiao Li went out, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. Lu Xingzhi pushed the door open and came in. He lay on the side of the sofa. It seemed that he had run in a hurry and was gasping for breath.