Chapter 880 the mouth was acting tough, but the heart was surrendering

“En, en, en...”the chick nodded its head as it pecked at the rice. Lu Mo picked up his knife and fork and started to eat.

Tang dynasty ate casually. His gaze was glued to her satisfied little face, and his heart was tickled. He did not expect Lu Mo, who was usually plain-faced, to look even better when he put on makeup, she was so pink and delicate that he wanted to eat her whole!

After eating, Lu Momo picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth in satisfaction. She realized that Tang Chao had been looking at her, and the steak in front of him had barely been touched. She chuckled. “Why aren’t you eating?”

Who would still be able to eat when proposing? !

Forget it. She was innocent. Her hunger was not part of her plan. Tang Chao could only comfort himself this way.

“Are you done eating?”Tang Chao asked.

“Yes, yes, I’m done eating.”