Chapter 905 love thoroughly, Hurt thoroughly [17]

In the blink of an eye, it was her birthday.

She came back drunk last night and usually slept until the afternoon. Today, strangely, she only slept for four hours and woke up at seven o’clock in the morning.

In the suite, the TV in the living room was on silent. There was a projector in front of the big bed in the bedroom. Even if she slept, it would be on silent and play the latest MTV constantly.

Staying in a hotel was always scary.

She did not dare to put out all the lights. On the contrary, she turned on all the lights. Even if it would affect her sleep, she would still persist.

When she woke up, she turned on the volume of the projector. The MTV was playing one song after another. She was in a trance quietly.

When she lay down until nine o’clock, she was already so hungry that her stomach was cramping. She pushed herself up and picked up the phone on the bedside table to order food. After hanging up the phone, she slowly got up and brushed her teeth.