Chapter 915 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [27]

When she woke up, what entered her eyes was a dazzling white, and there was also the unpleasant smell of disinfectant.

Wu Xuewei rolled her eyes and blinked her eyes. How did she remember that she was sleeping in the hotel?

“You’re Awake?”Just as she opened her eyes, the man standing guard at the side opened his mouth.

There was a trace of relief in his voice, and he gave a big sigh of relief.

When she saw Feng Churui, Wu Xuewei’s originally flat forehead instantly furrowed. Without waiting for her to speak, Feng Churui reached out and placed his hand on her forehead. After feeling it for a moment, he retracted his hand, “Your high fever is 41 ° , and you almost lost your mind from the fever. Now that the fever has almost subsided, are you thirsty? Drink some water?”

“Why are you here?”Wu Xuewei frowned. Although she did not know that she had a fever, her body was uncomfortable and weak. She chose to believe his words.