Chapter 920 love thoroughly, Hurt Thoroughly [32]

Seeing that she did not look happy, the Aunty did not dare to say anything more. Soon, she went out to work.

Wu Xuewei sat in front of the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled off a strand of prickly yellow hair and curled her lips. Then, she lay on the dressing table and dozed off.

Feng Churui put on an apron and focused on learning how to make dumplings from the Aunty. The Aunty was terrified and did not dare to let the mayor do this personally. She was unwilling to let him do it no matter what. However, Feng Churui managed to get her to do it with just a few words.

He said that the little girl inside was very stubborn. He did not make it himself. She did not want to eat it. In order to not let the little girl go hungry, it was not a big deal for him to make something himself.

This time, the aunt had nothing to say. She stood on the side and taught him step by step.

Chop the meat, cut the mushrooms, mix them well, and add seasoning.