Chapter 944: Love Is Complete, Hurt is complete

Feng Churui was leaning lazily on the door frame. When she saw her retreating, she rushed forward and pulled her into her arms before her body was about to hit the pot of boiling water.

She lowered her head and said in a reproachful voice, “How Old Are You? Why are you still so careless?”

“Who told you to suddenly scare me...”she whispered.

“What’s wrong with Your Hand?”Feng churui frowned when he saw her covering her finger. “Let me see.”

Wu Xuewei pitifully showed him her bleeding finger and pouted. “It hurts...”

Feng churui lowered his head and held her finger.

He licked the blood that had been oozing out and confirmed that there was no more blood. Then, he let go of her and reprimanded, “Go get a band-aid and bandage it up. Go out and sit and wait. I’ll do it.”

“Oh...”Wu Xuewei replied blankly. Just like that, she raised that finger, turned around, and walked to the dining room to sit down. Her mind was filled with his moist and warm mouth and that smooth and soft tongue..