Chapter 954 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [58]

“Hahaha, look at how good the relationship between the two of them is. They are even whispering to each other.”Mrs. Wu teased the two of them, causing the other three elders to laugh heartily.

At this moment, Feng Churui’s phone rang. He took a glance and hung up, pretending as if nothing had happened as he continued eating.

Then, his cell phone rang again. This time, he hung up again. The phone rang several times in a row, but he hung up.

Elder Feng looked at him. “Whose call is it? Why aren’t you picking up?”

“It’s secretary Wu.”He did not hide anything.

Elder Feng was displeased. “Since it’s secretary Wu’s call, how can I not pick up? What if there’s a political matter that’s delayed?”

Feng churui said unhurriedly, “Nothing is more important than having dinner with your family.”

This sentence made elder Feng especially satisfied. The Feng family’s motto was to put Family First.