Chapter 1014: love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [118]

Qiao Lun looked at her stunned expression and said in a gentle tone, “Xue Wei, don’t be afraid. If you don’t want it, you can abort it...”

“No!”Wu Xue Wei hurriedly refused and looked up at him. “I want her. This is my child.”

This was her child, a child that was related to her by blood. How could she bear to abort it?


Qiao Lun still wanted to say something, but was pushed by Juve, hinting him not to say anything, then, he said to Wu Xuewei, “Xuewei, have you thought it through? If you give birth to the child, what will happen to your studies? Also, are you sure that your relationship is stable enough now? Can you give the child a warm and healthy home to grow up in?”

Wu Xuewei tightly gripped the corner of the blanket, her face pale.”... I don’t want to abort her...”

She really did not know that she would be pregnant. The Doctor said that she was three months pregnant, but she only felt that her lower abdomen was slightly protruding. It was not very obvious.