Chapter 1022 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [126]

To think that she was prepared to give him a surprise on his birthday like a fool. She did not expect that he would give her a surprise in the end.

How could he treat her like this? If he had even the slightest bit of affection for her, he would not treat her so cruelly.

What exactly went wrong?

He clearly said that he loved her. Why did he marry Wu Yuqing?

If she had not overheard it by chance today, she would not have known that she had been kept in the dark all this time!

She was kept in the dark like a fool!

Wu Xuewei, Oh Wu Xuewei, look at what kind of person you have fallen in love with!

You deserve to be deceived!

Wu Xuewei’s condition was really bad. Wu Yuqing also felt it. She did not know what exactly was wrong with her. In the room with the heater turned on, she was actually shivering from the cold. She clenched her hand tightly, she was determined to bring her to the hospital.