Chapter 1059: love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [162]

“Do you think I would lie to You? If you don’t believe me, see for yourself! From the moment he came in until now, other than when the birthday boy talked to him when he gave gifts, who else has talked to him?”

A few girls felt that it seemed to be true, so they echoed one after another. Then, they felt a wave of pity and said that they should forget it. Their future partners would be of equal social status. The most important thing was to be pampered at home, their unpampered youngest son was not worthy of them..

Wu Xuewei listened quietly. She looked at he jingyan who was standing in front of the buffet table in the distance, eating cake with a small fork. Suddenly, she felt that he was very pitiful... and very lonely.

She had never thought about what kind of treatment a child who was unpampered in a rich and powerful family would receive. At least, she had been pampered since she was young. So, she did not know what it meant to be unpampered.