Chapter 1062 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [165]

When the song ended, Wu Xuewei and he jingyan slid off the dance floor and came to a corner.

“What’s wrong? Are You in a bad mood?”He jingyan picked up two glasses of champagne from the Waiter’s tray and handed one to her.

Wu Xuewei looked down at the Bubbling Champagne and chuckled. was she in a bad mood?

She didn’t think so. She just felt that she was caught off guard when she suddenly saw Feng Churui.

Her parents didn’t tell her that Feng Churui would also come to the birthday banquet.

If she had known that she would meet him here, she might have found an excuse not to come.

Her abnormal absent-mindedness made he jingyan even more certain that she knew Feng Churui. On second thought, what was their relationship?

The way that man looked at her was not simple. Her absent-mindedness now further confirmed her assumption that she knew that man. Lover?

He Jingyan did not know why he had to ask. “The man who kept looking at you with the Champagne just now, is he your boyfriend?”