Chapter 1090 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [193]

When he yunsheng saw that this little bastard was not afraid of death, he angrily found a wooden stick and swung it at he jingyan.

The servants were terrified by the scene. It was a heartbreaking scene.

He Jingyan did not say a word. This was not the first time he had been beaten. He silently endured it and did not dodge.

Madam he could not bear to look away. He Jingcheng pretended not to see it. He Yunsheng vented all the pent-up anger in his heart on him. The more he beat with the wooden stick, the more energetic he became.

In the end, he jingyan could not bear the heavy injuries anymore. He lay on the ground. His white shirt was already soaked in blood, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The scene was tragic.