Chapter 1093 love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly [196]

Young Master Rong curved his lips into a smile, instantly bewitching and charming. He slowly drank a mouthful of fruit juice, then said unhurriedly, “It’s very simple. First, you have to make sure that she still loves you, and then...”

After hearing this, Tang dynasty was the first to clap and be speechless. He gave young master rong a thumbs up, “Hero!”

Young Master Rong stood up leisurely and glanced at Feng churui, who was almost drunk. He gave Tang Chao a look and said, “Send Ah Rui back. I’m going back to Rong Mansion.”

“F * ck! What right do you have! ?”Tang Chao was furious. “This young master has drunk too, alright? You haven’t touched a single drop of alcohol. Do you have the nerve to leave by yourself? !”

Young Master Rong’s words were very emotional. His brows were filled with pride. “My Son is waiting for me at home.”

Tang Chao was extremely angry. “Rong Xiaoyan, don’t go too far!”

“How did I Go Too Far?”