Chapter 1113

“Speaking of which, I have to admire that cousin Wang. She really doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and earth. She even sued Xue Wei for intentional injury. “But then again, that girl Xue Wei is really one-track-minded. She said that she promised Wu Yuqing that as long as she sued her, she would never hire a lawyer to defend herself. “If she doesn’t hire a lawyer to defend herself, isn’t that just waiting for death? “Thinking about how this child is now waiting for death at home, Uncle Wu’s family is going crazy with anxiety!”

Tang dynasty added sneakily in the end, “Ah Rui, let me tell you one more thing in secret. With your father-in-law, your credibility is not high. “Uncle Wu asked me to temporarily control Wu Yuqing and didn’t ask you to do it. Do you know why?”

Feng churui lowered his eyes. His face was tense and expressionless. The Tang dynasty’s last sentence was obviously a question for him. In fact, he already knew the answer in his heart, didn’t he?