Chapter 1120

She looked happy and then took out her phone. When she saw that it was Qiaolun’s number, she felt a little disappointed. Then, she quickly composed herself and picked up the phone. “Hi, qiaolun!”

“Dear Xuewei, Happy New Year! Isn’t this the Chinese New Year?”Qiaolun’s voice was still young and energetic. It reached Wu Xuewei’s ears through the radio waves.

She smiled. “Thank you, Qiao Lun! Are you and Juve doing well?”

“No, we’re not doing well at all.”Qiao Lun’s tone became weaker. “Xue Wei, are you not going to contact US after returning to your country? It’s been so long, but I haven’t seen you take the initiative to contact us. Sure enough, the distance is long, and the relationship is estranged...”

Wu Xuewei was really not used to Qiao Lun suddenly becoming sentimental. “What are you talking about? You’re all my best friends! I just transferred back from school and had a lot of things to do, so I neglected you guys. Sorry.”