Chapter 1132

The smile on song Weiwei’s face froze. She looked at Feng Churui for help, and the latter gave her a relieved look.

Feng Churui pulled her to the sofa and sat down. Then, he poured a cup of tea for elder Yang and brought it to him, “Elder Yang, as s city’s s manager, I naturally have to contribute to the city. No television station in the country can win your exclusive interview, so I Want S City television station to stand out.”

“HMPH, why didn’t I know that you knew how to use a backdoor?”Elder Yang snorted and took a sip of tea.

Feng churui chuckled. “It’s not too late to know.”

Hearing that, elder Yang sized up song Weilai again. With a sharp gaze, he sized her up carefully, then, he teased, “Ah Rui, I didn’t remember wrongly that you canceled your engagement last year, right? Why, is it possible that the little reporter that you brought this time is not as simple as a reporter?”