Chapter 1141 the way of Love [44]

Now, she and Feng Churui had reached the end, right?

She was so sad that tears fell, and he would not feel it.

His indifferent attitude made Wu Yulin’s anger soar. Just as he was about to roar, Wu Xuewei said in a trembling voice, “Brother Yulin, don’t say anymore... don’t say anything...”

Wu Yulin gritted his teeth. He couldn’t bear to see her suffer, so he coldly snorted and hung up the phone.

He walked to the bedside and looked at her, who was crying silently. He clumsily raised his hand and patted her head. “Don’t cry anymore. Brother will help you vent your anger!”

Her faint voice could be faintly heard from the phone. Feng Churui was stunned and maintained the position of holding the phone for a long time. It was not until Secretary Wu came in and saw that he was in a daze and called out to him that he came back to his senses.

“Captain S, the Wu family is calling. Do you want me to put you through?”

Feng churui pinched the bridge of his nose. “No need.”