Chapter 1153

Not only her grandfather and father, but also Wu Yulin, who had rushed over after hearing the news..

If Wu Zhangshu and Wu Dechang had shown mercy to him, Wu Yulin had not shown any mercy at all!

“Tell me, did grandfather and the others hit you?”Wu Xuewei cupped his face and looked left and right.

Feng Churui pondered for a moment and picked a nice one to say, “Well... They only taught me a lesson. However, I deserve it.”

Wu Xuewei pouted and patted his handsome face with her small hands. His skin was really good, and his eyelashes were even better than a woman’s!

“You have to protect the face that I like.”

“Only my face?”Mayor Feng held her hand and said in an unfriendly tone.

Wu Xuewei pulled back her hand shamelessly and turned over, lying on the bed. On the bed, she bent her legs and shook them.”... I’m so tired, I’m going to sleep.”

Feng churui touched his face. He had never cared much about his appearance. At this moment, he thought, should I do some maintenance?