Chapter 1184 lovelorn is a small matter [8]

“You know, the Rong family values family harmony the most, so your family... with me, you won’t be able to pass the first Test.”

Du Yuesheng’s smile faded, and a hint of sadness flashed in his eyes. However, in the next second, the corners of his lips curled up again, his bright eyes shone with determination. “It doesn’t matter if my family is harmonious or not. What’s important is that if I have the fortune to form a family with my beloved child in the future, then our small family will definitely be very harmonious. Because I love her.”Very much, very much.

“My beloved child hasn’t agreed to your pursuit, has she?”Glory sneered and was a little angry.

How could they let him marry their Rong family’s treasure so easily? Don’t even think about it!

Du Yuesheng wasn’t angry. “The reason why you came to talk to me today proves that you already agree with me in your heart, doesn’t it?”