Chapter 1211 if this is fate, I accept it [12]

She still remembered that day when she was almost hit by a basketball. It was Ah Sheng who saved the damsel in distress and intercepted the powerful basketball, allowing her to survive.

At that time, Rong Chong was still amazed. How could a boy’s eyes be so clear, so clean without a trace of impurities.

His smile was very beautiful and bright. For some reason, she felt that a person with such a smile could warm people’s hearts.


Feng Yuxi stayed in the study for the whole day. What was strange was that Rong Chong ‘er did not find any excuses to torment him.

When it was time for dinner, the maid went to knock on the door, but no one answered. She tried to open the door only to find that Rong Chong ‘Er’s bedroom door had been locked from the inside. The maid immediately went to the study to look for Feng Yuxi in fear.

Feng Yuxi’s mind went blank. His first instinct was what she was trying to do by locking himself in the bedroom!