Chapter 1224 if this is fate, I accept it [25]

Rong chonger really wanted to throw up, but she also threw up in the car.

As she did not eat much, she could not throw up anything.

Feng Yuxi took out a tissue to wipe her mouth and patted her back. He did not comfort her, “Do not be afraid, It’s okay. Forget about it, do not think about it.”

Feng Yuxi pulled her into his arms and stroked her back. His chin rubbed against her hair with a bit of intimacy, “It’s okay, Darling, don’t be afraid. Be Good, don’t think about it anymore...”

Rong pet curled up in his arms, his hands clutching his shirt tightly, his heart trembling with lingering fear.

Feng Yuxi lowered his head and looked at her with a burning gaze. At this moment, she was obediently nestling in his arms. This was something that he did not dare to think about before.

Now, it had really happened..

His heart was throbbing violently..

It was as if he was proving for him that she really existed at the heart of his heart.